In an announcement that is sure add speculation to the much anticipated location search for its second headquarters, Amazon has stated that it will pit cities vying for the honor against each other in a Hunger Games style contest. CEO Jeff Bezos will visit each city hoping to become the home of the corporation's new headquarters, and personally choose a contestant to participate in a fight to the death. The winner's city will be bestowed with the blessing of becoming home to the secondary headquarters of the retail giant. Each contestant will be given $100 which they will be able to purchase any supplies or weaponry of their choice prior to the contest, provided that it is available on the companies website. During the Games, the company will dispatch drones to air drop other select Amazon retail merchandise to aid contestants as they progress through the battle. "Amazon is not for the faint hearted," said Bezos, "and the 1st Annual Amazon Games will provide a medium to prove which city is worthy of hosting our company." Bezos also assured shareholders that the timeline for the Games would not affect the companies plans for world domination, which is currently scheduled for December 2023.
The Instant Pot, a programmable pressure and slow cooker, which has exponentially gained popularity in recent years, has found yet another use. Until now, the Instant Pot was used for cooking an incredible variety of foods, from macaroni and cheese, to tea, to beef wellington. In an announcement that is sure to continue the Instant Pot craze, researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore declared that they successfully created a cure to cancer in the versatile kitchen appliance. The researchers combined all the necessary components into the Instant Pot, including stem cell DNA, chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics; and a spice mix consisting of turmeric, paprika, salt, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Director of Clinical Pathology Dr. Fred Vance explained the process further: "First, use saute mode under low heat to gently cook the mixture until brown. Then pressure cook under high pressure for exactly 17 minutes, and release using QR." For readers unfamiliar...
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